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BY FImka
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Principală » 2014 » Martie » 15 » Backtracking Recursiv
9:27 PM
Backtracking Recursiv
Vizualizări: 514 | Adăugat de: 007 | Tag-uri: Backtracking Recursiv, Backtracking | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comentarii : 1
  • #1 От Junior 2014-06-18, 8:07 PM

    Stepping off the path and walking away from the race sotenhimg that I strive to do but find so hard! My little is two-years-old, and I see time slipping away so quickly. I often desire to walk away from the things that seem to demand my time or at least, find a reasonable balance between time watching a bug crawl on the sidewalk and getting important stuff done. Thanks for sharing!